Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New iMac

Sorry I have been away so long. I have been traveling and getting back to Tokyo to begin a new year with kids. I had some problems with my computer and had difficulties everyday logging on. But I am Back with a new iMac 24 inch screen.
I like it..a lot. I really just hooked it an hour ago and this is the first thing on have done with it.

I have started writing about the Summer and only completed the trip to Warsaw but hope to have it up soon. Here`s a picture of me from my new computer. All I got now until I update my photos from the summer. Doing it after this posts.

Miss you all but finally back.

Talk soon,

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

I have missed you. I was beginning to wonder...but I assumed that you were just having a blast and didn't want me to be too envious!